This article will introduce you to our free online PTE mock test which is designed to closely imitate the real PTE Academic test. This uncanny similarity in our mock tests and our PTE practice platform proves that our team knows this test inside and out. Another advantage of our PTE practice test over the official PTE test is that it produces a score report right on the spot at the end of the test and not 24 hours later. Just remember, once the test starts, like the real one, you cannot pause or stop the test and, of course, in order to get your score report, you need to finish the test, which will approximately take around two hours.
How to get started?
Before starting the speaking section, you need to make sure that the microphone and the sound system of your PC are in order. You also need to allow the website to access your microphone.

In the speaking section, depending on the upload speed of your Internet connection, you may experience some laggings before the next question starts. If the lagging persists for more than 30 seconds, refresh that page only once.
Similar to the real PTE Academic test, you will have a 10-minute break before the start of the listening section, which is the last section of the test. You can take the break or continue doing the test by clicking next.
How to get your score report?
Once you click on the last part of the listening section, a score report will be issued in a PDF format which you can download for your reference and later analysis. You can take part in one of our online “Free trial sessions” and ask us to analyse your result for you. But just to give you an idea of how close our online free PTE mock test can predict your performance on the real PTE Academic test, if you get an average of 68 or above, you will get at least three of your skills above 79 in the real PTE test. For taking part in our free PTE mock test click on the Take the free PTE mock test now.
Need more information?
Also, you can take part in our daily online PTE classes powered by the zoom app from anywhere via your phone, smartphone, PC, and laptop from anywhere in the world.