To pass the Repeat Sentence section of the PTE test, make sure you master the following skills:
1. Master initial-letter writing

The number of words in a Repeat Sentence question varies depending on its difficulty level, but usually around 4 RS questions have words beyond our normal short term memory capacity (Read more). Since there is no fixed order for presenting RS difficulty level in the Repeat Sentences section, you might start your RS section with a long RS question. And if you do not take down the initials, this means you are going to forget parts of the sentence and its psychological effect will linger throughout the RS section, and in fact, the whole of your exam. In our online classes, we teach you how to do it and most students will take to it like a duck to water.
2. Practice makes perfect!
Once you practice on a PTE practice platform such as, you will practice essentially real PTE Repeat Sentence questions that students have got in their tests over the years and these questions will get repeated in the same format or a little bit different. Also, you can practice recording your voice within the time given as well.
3. Practice transcribing English podcasts
A long-term solution to your overall general English comprehension is to transcribe English audio tracks. This will help you improve the four skills of Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading. You can check your transcription with that of the original one to find out your mistakes. ‘In Our Time’ series of podcasts are among the best ones. Click here to go to the website.
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In order to learn the tricks of how to ace the PTE academic test, do a free scored PTE mock test and practice real PTE materials on our PTE practice platform, visit our website at, where you can also book for a free online PTE coaching with one of our Melbourne-based expert PTE trainers via the zoom app.