A free PTE mock test, as the name implies, provides the test taker with a close to real PTE exam experience without any ifs, buts and strings attached. ThePTE.com’s scored free PTE mock test just does that.
In order to do thePTE.com’s test, go to our website and click on the free PTE mock test tab or simply click on this link. Once you registered with us, you can access the non-paid member’s area and do our mock. Unlike many websites even the Pearson test of English, our online PTE test provides a score report right at the end of your test. (Sample score report)

You can buy 10 more of our mock tests for only $9 (click here). These PTE mock tests are very close to the real PTE test and you have three months to complete them.

Need more information?

In order to learn the tricks of how to ace the PTE academic test, do a free scored PTE mock test and practice real PTE materials on our PTE practice platform, visit our website at www.thepte.com, where you can also book a free online PTE coaching with one of our Melbourne-based expert PTE trainers via the zoom app.