
PTE or IELTS, that is the question!

The PTE test is definitely better than IELTS for the following reasons: 1. Fast results The result of the PTE test will be out in less than 12 hours in 80% of the cases. This is compared to 13 days standard wait for getting your IELTS result. Even the new computer-based IELTS produces results no sooner than 5 days. 2. Better results Compared to IELTS,…

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Repeat Sentence in the PTE test

Repeat Sentence is the second part of the Speaking module in the PTE Academic test. Each candidate encounters 10-12 of these items, making it a significant contributor to your overall PTE score. Each Repeat Sentence item can add nearly 5 points to your total test score. During this task, you will hear a sentence ranging from 5 to 20 words long. After the sentence is…

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Read Aloud in the PTE test

Your PTE Academic test begins with the Read Aloud items in the Speaking section. There are typically 6-7 of these items in the test. This part of the Speaking section significantly contributes to your overall PTE score, ranking as the fourth-highest point contributor. Each Read Aloud passage in a PTE Academic test contains between 50-80 words. You will have 30 to 40 seconds to prepare…

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Online PTE Coaching Vs. Face-to-Face PTE Coaching

Having taught English face-to-face for the past 30 years, I rarely considered online teaching. However, when I began coaching PTE Academic in Australia five years ago, many students asked if I could coach their friends and family abroad. My first thought was to use a video conferencing app like Skype for online teaching. The experience was good, but it didn’t quite match up to face-to-face…

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Collocations in the PTE test

What is Collocation? The simplest way to define collocation is by breaking down the word itself: “co” means together, and “location” means place. Essentially, collocation refers to a group of words that commonly appear together in the same order or place. For example, “commit a crime” is a typical collocation in English. Why Learn Collocations? Native English speakers use collocations frequently, so knowing and using…

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Free online PTE mock test

This article introduces our free online PTE mock test, meticulously crafted to closely mimic the actual PTE Academic exam. The striking resemblance between our mock tests and the official PTE practice platform underscores our team’s comprehensive understanding of the test. Unlike the official PTE test, our practice test delivers an instant score report at the test’s conclusion, eliminating the 24-hour wait. Once the test commences,…

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PTE test and typing speed

Given that the PTE Academic is conducted via computer, it’s crucial for candidates to be comfortable with computer usage, particularly in typing quickly and accurately. This proficiency can provide a significant advantage, especially in the Writing and Listening sections, where typing answers is required. Typing speed is typically measured by the number of words typed per minute (WPM). Even an average typing speed of 20…

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PTE test and markers

When getting ready for the Pearson Test of English Academic, many candidates rely on pens or pencils for note-taking, often overlooking the potential challenges of not having access to these typical writing tools during the test. However, PTE test centers offer markers and a bundle of laminated squared papers, serving as an erasable booklet for note-taking purposes. It’s important to note that the marker’s nib…

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PTE mock test vs Pearson test

It’s like looking in a mirror and seeing the Pearson Test of English staring back at you. Our mock test has been meticulously designed to closely resemble the real Pearson Test of English Academic in every aspect. It aligns with the content, timing, and scoring of the actual test. Our professional software developer underwent the PTE test twice to gain in-depth knowledge of the software,…

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PTE mic position

Many candidates, especially those taking the PTE test for the first time, often wonder about the optimal placement of the microphone for high-quality voice recordings. While it may seem intuitive to position the microphone directly in front of the mouth, speaking naturally involves sounds like blowing, hissing, and coughing, which can have a negative impact if the microphone is too close. Therefore, the best microphone…

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PTE backspace in writing

Debunking the “backspace effect” myth in the PTE Academic writing section. Many students browsing YouTube channels have encountered videos claiming that using the backspace key while typing in the writing section will lead to deductions from their overall score. Some candidates have strongly believed that this was the primary reason for receiving low scores in their writing skills. As an educator and consultant who collaborated…

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Accent in the PTE test

Unlike IELTS, where a human examiner evaluates speaking skills, the PTE Academic test employs voice-to-text software for assessment. This software operates using a similar algorithm to voice command systems found on smartphones, transcribing spoken language and executing related tasks based on the command. As of March 2024, no software has been developed to definitively distinguish and recognize different accents. Additionally, the PTE Academic test does…

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IELTS or PTE, which one is better?

With 15 years of experience teaching IELTS and the past five years dedicated to PTE, I often encounter students hesitant to explore a new test. However, I firmly advocate for the PTE test as it offers several advantages over IELTS: Firstly, PTE delivers results in less than 48 hours for 80% of cases, contrasting with IELTS, where results can take up to 13 days to…

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PTE mock free test provides a complimentary PTE mock test complete with a test result. Your receipt of the test result is not contingent on any factors; upon completing the test, you will promptly receive your result. The result will be issued in PDF format immediately upon conclusion of the test. Furthermore, we have updated our test format to align with the recent changes to the PTE test…

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PTE free mock tests provides a complimentary PTE mock test complete with a test result. Your receipt of the test result is not contingent on any factors; upon completing the test, you will promptly receive your result. The result will be issued in PDF format immediately upon conclusion of the test. Furthermore, we have updated our test format to align with the recent changes to the PTE test…

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PTE mock test free

Take advantage of our complimentary PTE mock test at Our test offers instant results upon completion, unlike the actual PTE test. How closely does our test resemble the real PTE test? Our free PTE mock test mirrors the real PTE test both in terms of appearance and content. However, our content is a bit harder than the real one. Hence, your score in real…

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PTE Enabling skills

About two years ago, the Pearson stopped printing the scores for Enabling skills on candidates’ score cards. These skills were in order of their appearance: Grammar, Oral fluency, Pronunciation, Spelling, Vocabulary and Written discourse. There was no official announcement as to why this happened. But one can tell that a lot of candidates were not happy with the way the test assessment especially of their…

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Free PTE mock test 2 offers a free PTE mock test with a test result. Receiving your test result will not depend on anything. You will simply receive yours if you complete the test. A test result in PDF format will be issued right at the end of your test. What’s more, we have updated our test format to match the new changes to the PTE test format effective…

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Scored PTE mock test practice

We offer 10 scored PTE mock tests that closely simulate a real PTE test in every aspect at a competitive price. Some highlights of our mock tests are: Reasonable price  Our PTE mock tests are as low as a dollar each. So a set of ten scored PTE mock tests will be as low as 10 dollars. You can take these tests as many times…

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PTE mock test practice

At, we offer 10 scored PTE mock test practice for as little as $1 each. Some features of our PTE mock tests are as follow: The clone of a real PTE test All those who have done our 10 PTE mock tests and later sat the real PTE test will tell you that our tests resemble a real PTE test in every aspect. This…

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PTE mock test package offers 10 scored PTE mock tests for $10. Some features of our PTE mock tests are as follow: Predictive PTE mock tests The result of our PTE mock tests can foresee what score a PTE candidate is going to get in a real PTE test. Getting a 65 in one of our PTE mock tests will mean that the candidate will easily score above…

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PTE mock test with answers offers a free PTE mock test along with 10 paid PTE mock tests. Some features of our free PTE mock test are as follow: The closest you can get to a real PTE test All those who have done our free PTE mock test and later on sit the real PTE test will tell you that our test resemble a real PTE test in…

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Scored PTE mock test

At, we offer ten scored PTE mock tests that closely simulate a real PTE test in every aspect. Some of these aspects include: Predictive PTE mock tests Your performance on our PTE mock tests will be an indication of what score you are going to get in your real PTE test. Usually, our mock tests are a bit harder than a real test. Therefore,…

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PTE mock test

At, we offer ten PTE mock tests that are close to the real deal in every aspect. Some of those aspects include: Instant result Unlike the real PTE test which usually takes around 24 hours or sometimes more to issue a report card, our PTE mock test software produces a score card on the spot for candidates who finish their mock test successfully. This…

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Best PTE online coaching

The best PTE online coaching center is because of the following reasons: The best PTE practice platform On our PTE practice platform, PTE candidates will be able to practice individual PTE test items in a format that is very similar to the real PTE test. The questions here are very close to the materials one could find in a real TPE test. What’s more,…

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Free PTE assessment/consultation

If you sat the PTE test and did not get your desired score, or you do not know whether the PTE test is for your or not, have a 10-minute free one on one assessment session with’s expert PTE trainer Hamid. You can choose date and time by clicking on this link: Have a snapshot of your last PTE test ready If you…

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Where can I practice PTE for free?

At, we offer a free PTE mock test for everyone to practice. This post will explore this issue. How to register for a free PTE mock test Simply click on this link and you will be taken to our registration page. Follow all the steps and you will be able to do our free PTE mock test. How long does a free PTE mock…

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