The good news is that the results from mock tests are quite comparable to the score you will achieve in the real PTE Test. All of the candidates who took our standardized free PTE mock test got the same result that we had earlier predicted for them to achieve in the PTE academic test.
Since our free PTE mock test is much more difficult than the real one, getting an average of 65 and above means that the candidate can easily score an average of +79 in the PTE Academic Test.
Another reason why students get a higher score in the real test after practicing our tests is what we call the ‘practice effect’. With the help of our PTE preparation materials, the very useful tips communicated by our expert PTE trainers in the online classes and the well-established PTE exam pattern, our students prepare professionally, and they will have a clearer picture of how the PTE test pattern works. All our PTE practice materials in our website are developed based on the PTE test papers and PTE exam samples that are created and reviewed by professional PTE trainers.
Actual results
For example, just two days ago when for the first time, after the COVID 19 lockdown, PTE test centers resumed, one of our students, Jasleen, took her PTE Academic Test for the first time. For us, her result was not astonishing because based on her performance on our standardized, free PTE mock test we had predicted +79. This is her result on our Free PTE Mock Test G;

And this is her result on the real PTE test;