There are three ways you can increase your PTE reading score. This post will try to address this issue.
Reading: Fill in the blanks

Reading: Fill in the Blanks questions contribute all their points ONLY to your reading score. Therefore, if you are missing points in this section in your PTE test, this could be the first section that you need to pay attention to. In order to improve your strategies in this section, watch this YouTube video several times and make sure you memorize the rules.
Read Aloud

Another section that will help boost your score in the Reading module is the Read aloud test item of the Speaking module. The Read aloud test items share their points with Reading and Speaking skills.
Reading & Writing: Fill in the Blanks

This test item is the third most important test item throughout the PTE test and the most important one in the Reading module. The scores for this test items are shared with the Writing and Reading modules. To improve your score in this test item, you need to develop your knowledge on English collocations. For more information on how to do this test item, watch this YouTube video.
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