How many questions are there in PTE?

The minimum number of questions a candidate could get in a PTE-A test is 106 and the maximum is 136. Here is a breakdown for each.

There are four sections of Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening in the PTE test. The Speaking section consists of the following sub-sections and their relative (minimum and maximum) number of questions: Read Aloud (6-7), Repeat Sentence (10-12), Describe Image (6-7), Re-tell Lecture (3-4) and Answer Short Questions (10-12).

The Writing section comprises Summarize Written Text (2-3) and Write Essay (1-2).

The Reading section is composed of Reading & Writing Fill in the Blanks (25-30), Re-order Paragraph (2-3), Multiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answer (2-3), Multiple Choice, Choose Single Answer (2-3) and Reading, Fill in the Blanks (20-25).

And the last section of the PTE test which is the Listening section comprises 8 sub-sections and they are in the order that they appear: Summarize Spoken Text (2-3), Multiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answer (2-3), Fill in the Blanks Listening (2-3), Highlight Correct summary (2-3), Multiple Choice, Choose Single Answer (2-3), Select Missing Word (2-3), Highlight Incorrect Words (2-3) and finally, Write from Dictation (3-4).

Need more information?

In order to learn the tricks of how to ace the PTE academic test, do a free scored PTE mock test and practice real PTE materials on our PTE practice platform, visit our website at, where you can also book a free online PTE coaching with one of our Melbourne-based expert PTE trainers via the zoom app.

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