Select Missing Words in the PTE test

The sixth question type of the PTE listening module is Select Missing Words or SMW in short. PTE candidates will get 2 or 3 SMW questions in their test. And since these questions do not incur any negative marking in case you got the wrong answer, it is recommended that you do not leave them unanswered.  

How to answer these questions?

Before the audio is played, PTE candidates will get 10 seconds to prepare. Use this preparation time to read the title of the audio that is going to be played. This title is in the test item introduction at the top left. (See below photo)

Do not read the options as they might distract you. Just listen to the audio and follow the blue audio time bar on the screen. Once the blue line gets close to the end of the bar, as seen in the below photo,

remember the last words or the sentence before the beep. Then look at the options and see which one best replaces the beep in the sentence. Remember do not spend more than half a minute on a question.  

Need more information?

In order to learn the tricks of how to ace the PTE academic test, do a free scored PTE mock test and practice real PTE materials on our PTE practice platform, visit our website at, where you can also book a free online PTE coaching with one of our Melbourne-based expert PTE trainers via the zoom app.


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