What is pronunciation in PTE?

Pronunciation is one of the six Enabling Skills of the PTE test. The Enabling Skills of the PTE test in the order they appear on the PTE score report include: Grammar, Oral Fluency, Pronunciation, Spelling, Vocabulary and Written Discourse.

Your pronunciation score basically comes from the Repeat Sentence section of the Speaking module. So, in order to improve your pronunciation score, you need to practice more Repeat Sentence questions.

If you repeat clearly more than 60% of the words in a Repeat Sentence question, then your pronunciation score will be above 60. To test what percentage of an RS question you can get right, visit www.speechnotes.co and let the software transcribe some of your RS questions.

Need more information?

In order to learn the tricks of how to ace the PTE academic test, do a free scored PTE mock test and practice real PTE materials on our PTE practice platform, visit our website at www.thepte.com, where you can also book a free online PTE coaching with one of our Melbourne-based expert PTE trainers via the zoom app.

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