
Do PTE questions repeat?

Yes, PTE questions get repeated all the time. This is common in standard test systems because of the following reasons: 1. Standard tests must have repeated questions In order for a test to be able to compare different levels of English with accurate results, the content writers need to have standard test items. These items have been tested on many learners and have been standardized…

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Is PTE easier than IELTS?

The PTE test is much easier than IELTS because of the following reasons: 1. The PTE test is 100% machine scored Once a test is automated, the chances of errors and mistakes happening during the scoring process are minimized. In the scoring process of the paper IELTS the only section that is machine scored is the reading and listening sections. And that is when they…

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Can we cheat in PTE exam?

No, you cannot. There is no way to cheat in the PTE exam as there are some active security protocols in place such as stringent ID checking, biometric palm vein scanning and Voice signature. We will discuss each of these protocols in this article. 1. Stringent ID checking protocols You can only sit the test by presenting a valid passport. Even a valid driving license which is a…

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Essay Writing in the PTE Academic test

Introduction In this section, you need to write 200-300 words on a given topic in 20 minutes.The essay topic types in the PTE essay writing section can be one of thefollowing types: • Argument• Discussion• Problem-solution Although each type of essay is different, all three require you to give your ideas about an issue and support them with examples and evidence. Each of these types…

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Wearing face masks Mandatory for PTE Academic test takers

With the rapid spread of the Covid 19 throughout the world and indeed in Australia, all jobs and businesses had to follow COVID safe advice and ask their customers to wear masks and follow social distancing rules. PTE centers were not an exception, and all tests during the pandemic were either cancelled or rescheduled or conducted under social distancing measures or wearing face masks. Entering…

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Re-tell Lectures in the PTE Academic test

Background Re-tell lecture is the 4th item of the Speaking section in the PTE test. In this part, an audio along with a photo or just a video is played for the candidate. After it is over, the candidate has 10 seconds to prepare and then a beep signals the beginning of 40 seconds re-tell recording time. Skills involved Re-tell lecture contributes points to your…

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Answer Short Questions (ASQ) in the PTE Academic test

Background Answer Short Question which is the last section of the PTE Speaking module includes 10-12 questions. The candidates are expected to produce a single or two word response to each question in about 8 seconds. If candidates remain quiet for more than 3 seconds, their microphone will shut automatically and they will lose the opportunity to answer the intended question. ASQ contributes more points…

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7 approaches you can use when dealing with Re-order paragraphs in the PTE Reading module

Background Re-order Paragraphs is the second section of the Reading module. In this part, candidates need to put some random paragraphs in the right order. Candidates can drag and drop the paragraphs in any order they want. You will get 2-3 re-order paragraphs in your PTE test. There is no individual time limit for every item in the Reading module. You usually get between 32-41…

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Why should you probably avoid sitting the computer-based IELTS if you have done the paper one before?

Introduction It has been a while since IELTS introduced a computer-based version of its paper test. The test is said to be the same as the paper one in every aspect, with the only difference being the waiting time for results slashed by a week’s time. As an educationalist and a content writer, I really intended to sit the test to assess how relevant it…

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PTE registration and PTE test dates availability after COVID-19 relaxation

Background After almost three months of lockdown and strict social distancing, the Australian Government relaxed the rules of social distancing. This means that the PTE Test centers can resume taking the PTE test, but only at half of their full capacity. This is because candidates sit at every other computer in each center. Consequently, it has led to a backlog of test takers and, in…

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8 strategies you need to know before attempting the Reading & Writing; Fill in the Blanks questions of the PTE test

Introduction R&WFIB is the first part of the Reading section of the PTE test. This section takes the lion’s share of the points in the Reading section. Each candidate will have 4-6 pages of R&WFIB items. Each page contains 4-6 four multiple choice questions. The best strategy for success in Reading and writing; fill in the blanks questions is to memorize as many collocations as…

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200 most repeated Write from Dictation sentences of the PTE academic test

Write from Dictation The last section of the PTE academic test is Write from Dictation, where a fairly long sentence is played once and the candidates are supposed to type the sentence in the space provided. This section contributes the second highest points to your overall PTE score. For downloading a pdf file of the recent write from dictation click the above button. Need more…

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Use the closest to the real PTE test practice platform ever with a free PTE mock test

When it all started It took’s software developing team headed by Farshad Ghazanfari a year to plan and produce the best PTE practice platform ever. For getting the website the closest to the real PTE Academic test, Farshad had to sit the test twice and instead of attempting the test, he paid close attention to the details and the appearance of the software and,…

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A short introduction to the Describe Image section of the PTE academic test

Describe Image Describe Image is the 3rd part of the Speaking module. It is the 6th highest point contributor in the PTE Academic Test. In this part, PTE candidates are given an image/map/graph/process … with 25 seconds to prepare. After the 25 seconds are up, the candidates hear a beep signalling that the recording has started and they should start describing the image for 40…

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What a candidate is expected to do in a Read Aloud part of the PTE Speaking section

Introduction Your PTE Academic test starts with the Read Aloud items of the Speaking section. You will get 6-7 of these in your test. This part of the Speaking section is the 4th point contributor to your overall PTE score. In a PTE Academic test, each of the Read Aloud passages contains between 50-80 words. You are given between 30 to 40 seconds for preparation,…

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A broad breakdown of the types of question candidates may have in a Reading & Writing; Fill in the Blanks Reading section of the PTE Academic test

Introduction R&WFIB is the first part of the Reading section of the PTE test. This section takes the lion’s share of the points in the Reading section. Each candidate will have 4-6 pages of R&WFIB items. Each page contains 4-6 four multiple choice questions. We can divide the questions in Reading and writing; fill in the blanks (R&WFIB) Reading section of the PTE Academic Test…

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Online PTE coaching Vs. face to face one

Introduction I have been teaching English face to face for the past 30 years and I rarely gave online teaching a second thought. Five years ago, when I started coaching Pearson test of English Academic in Australia, a lot of students asked me if I could coach their friends and family members back in their home country and the first thing that came to my…

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After almost 10 years, the Pearson Test of English has introduced a new look for its users’ dashboard and score reports

Recently, Pearson Test of English has sent an email to everyone who has opened an account with them before May, 2020 and asked the recipients to reset their password of their existing accounts. This is because the Pearson Test of English has introduced new registration and score viewing system for their PTE academic test. Most of the changes are cosmetics and it is basically the…

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